Saturday, December 5, 2009

How to you get ride of blackhead fast?

Squeeze it!How to you get ride of blackhead fast?
There really aren't a whole lot of effective external blackhead removal options. The problems that lead to blackheads are internal. Until you correct the internal problems that are causing your blackheads, all the blackhead removal methods in the world will do no good. The blackheads will simply return.

But here are some tips for removing blackheads:

- Keep the skin as clean and oil free as possible. Use natural or chemically prepared cleansers, astringent solutions or masks to accomplish this. Avoid harsh soaps that may irritate the skin or any creams that leave an oily finish.

- Use a gentle exfoliant to keep the dead cells off your skin and away from the pore openings.

- Avoid harsh squeezing or scraping at the blackhead. Excessive squeezing can damage the skin surround the pore and can actually increase the size of the pore leading to more blackheads in the future.How to you get ride of blackhead fast?
Tips to remove blackheads

mix a teaspoon of epsom salt with 1/2 a cup o boiled water. add in 3 drops of iodine. (or use iodized salt to replace iodine) then wait till the mixture is cool t the touch. then dab it on blackheads with cotton swab or ball. now the blackheads are loosened and canbeh easily squeezed or wiped offf.
take a bobbypin ans run it over the blackhead. it pushes it out ASAP! I have done this for years. The run some cold water over your face to close the pores
Use a Biore strip, it will yank it right out!
get a blackhead scrub. i love mine and it works wonders
i agree with girlsgam Biore strips are the best!
check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Whiteheads/Blackheads/

Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:

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pop it. I don't care what ppl say about not popping blackheads but they look sooo gross u got to, plus it's a myth that it will get infected n more will grow. Just pop it, cleanthe area with alcohol or other desinfectant and thats it. I've been popping mine for years and its highly effective. Scars are myths too.
try applying heat to the area around the blackhead. gentle steam works wonders!
use a scrub, or a wash cloth
read some useful tips on this site to help you get rid of blackheads
get a cotton ball and put alchol on it.i always get them and thats what i do.

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