Saturday, December 5, 2009

How do I get ride of dried candel wax on my carpet?

Its been there for over a year and I have to remove it before I move out.How do I get ride of dried candel wax on my carpet?
After you've picked off as much as you can, then heat your iron to the highest steam setting. Place a clean cloth over the candle wax and quickly steam iron over the cloth. Pick up the cloth, and put a clean area of the cloth over the wax, then quickly iron again. Keep repeating the ironing over clean areas of the cloth until all the wax has been absorbed. Do not keep the iron on the carpet too long so as not to ';burn'; the fibers.How do I get ride of dried candel wax on my carpet?
Put a piece of paper over it, then put a hot iron with no steam on, and move it around a bit. The wax should melt and soak into the paper
remove excess with a round ended knife, then put brown paper dull side over the wax and iron over it to loosen the wax onto the paper
Take an old towel that you don't mind throwing away and put it over the candfle wax. Take an iron and iron on towel and wax will get adsorbed into towel.
I have to agree with JY...I knocked a full candle onto brand new carpet and I used a paper bag and a iron. It soaks up the wax well. It's a little time consuming but it will eventually get all the wax up....Good luck!
Use a blow dryer and a napkin. Place the napkin over the dried candle wax and blow dry. The napkin should soak up the wax in no time.
Apply an ice cube to the wax to remove it
I am not sure if this will work on carpets, but it works on fabric:

Put a paper bag over the wax. Take a hot iron and iron over the paper bag. It will melt the wax onto the paper back (will look like an oil stain on the bag).

Again, works on fabric, but never tried it on carpet.

Good Luck!

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