Sunday, December 13, 2009

What is the best product to use to get ride of dark marks in the skin?

I have a burn on my forehead from years ago when I used to curl my bangs , a scar on my face from a scratch and just dark makrs on general all over my body and my knees are dark also. What are some good methods to lighting up these marks before spring comes back around?What is the best product to use to get ride of dark marks in the skin?
omg. i used to have a burn on my 4head but i asked my grandmother what to do and she gave me a piece on aloe plant to open and rub on the scar. to my amazement, it was gone in a few days. if you want to take more of a medical approach, try using maderma creme(i think i spelled it right). you could also go to a dermatologist and get a prescribed medicine. i don't really recommend that now that i think about it because i did the same thing after i Had an allergic reaction to Advil and broke out with dark spots all over my arms and legs. my dermatologist gave me a cream and i used it for 2 years and it never worked. you could also use Retin-A which is an acne cream, but if you but it on the dark spots on your face, it will cause the dead top layers of your skin to peel and thus removing the darkness. (it doesn't work with burns unless the burn is now only a scar) i hope this helps!What is the best product to use to get ride of dark marks in the skin?
Ask a dermatologist for prescription strength hydroquinone preparation. Or they may suggest something else, something newer.
when u take a shower rub them with a lemon cut in half
skin lighteners with hydroquinone have been banned in europe and asia because they're carcinogenic;

before you buy any skin lightening products,

read safety tips on how to use them effectively -

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