Friday, December 11, 2009

How do i get ride of my pimples?

I am 16 and I hate my pimples and tried medicine to get rid of it and it works but the only thing is that it leave marks.So what should i do?Are there any home remedies that I can use to get ride of them.

PS:(People say that if you jack off a lot then you'll get pimples. I jack of about 2-3 times a week. But I don't think that is the reason. I eat really fatty foods and also my whole family has pimples.)How do i get ride of my pimples?
Hi Irfu

Here are a some ideas on how to heal the issue.


11/24/2007: Vinny ( from Atlanta, GA writes: ';A quick, cheap, %26amp; healthy way to prevent and heal acne (even blackheads) is to use Eucalyptus Aromatherapy Oil. A big bottle is about $8-9 and can be found at GNC. Make sure you dilute it with water as it is very potent like other oils. You should have very good success with this and should notice HUGE differences within a day.';


10/04/2007: Martha from Lawrenceville, GA writes: ';I've always had trouble with acne -- I could never get my skin completely under control. ACV helped -- taking it internally -- but I still broke out in a monthly cycle. I started using aloe vera gel on my face a few weeks ago, and my skin has cleared up dramatically. I've not had one breakout, and my skin is getting to be so pretty! I just use a generic aloe vera gel that I picked up in WalMart.';


10/03/2007: Jennifer from Kirkland, Washington writes: ';I have been using a mixture of coconut oil and aloe vera gel (4:1 ratio) on my face for my acne for only 2 weeks and it has almost completely cleared it up. I have had moderate to severe acne since I was 13 (I am now 37), and have tried everything under the sun to diminish it. Some things have helped more than others, but this is the first time my skin has felt so good and looked so good in almost 25 years

Best of health to youHow do i get ride of my pimples?
No, you're not going to get pimples from masturbating. Try to put a little bit of toothpaste on the big ones overnight. That always dries mine out.
Iam 50 and just came from the doctor today. I went to see a dermatolojist because I have begun to get acne. I am now on a antibiotic and retina 0.025. Its actually called tretinoin cream 0.025. The acne gets a bit worse as I'am told before it gets better on this stuff. But, your best bet is to go to the doctor. Dermatolojist and get on the proper meds. You can waste thousands threw the years on products that they sat work. Go to the professionals. Retina is expensive but...How much will be spent on products that dont work? Insurance may cover you on this. Hopefully for you it does. I know acne can be very hard emotionally to live with. But, always remember that you are a wonderful person and beautiful inside and out so, a little bit of acne isnt going to get you down..Right? RIGHT!!! Good luck and god bless.
Its genetics I am afraid nothing you can do about it
I had the same problem when i was ur age. Use Neutrogena face wash twice a day! it works great! face will clear up in a week or so. also dont pick at your face or put ur hands on ure face unless theyre clean, you can get dirt and oil on your face which defeats the purpose. also when you bust a nutt- rub some on your face and leave it on for a few minutes. it has a lot of protein and vitamin E that would get ur face smooth and soft in no time!
take the yellow part of the egg and mix untill smooth

put it on the parts u r having trouble w/ acne

wash off after it compleatly dried

go to this web site for black heads
Go see a dermatologist. I struggled with acne. There really is no quick fix. I liked Benzaclin gel the best. Try a few different washes and creams until you find what you like.

Way more importantly, you can take an antibiotic like Monodox or Bactrim. Those worked very well for me. Those saved me so much pain. They would work pretty well to keep big zits away.
If you eat fatty foods without stopping then they will continue to come.

Don't listen to what people say about jacking off. Most of us men do it, but a lot have very clear faces!

I have mild acne and i am way out of my teen years! An external cream i use is panoxyl, which you can buy off ebay with varying strengths. I have also been to see the doctor who put me on antibiotics which he has just upgraded to stronger stuff and i need it, i suggest you make an appointment. But whatever you do, don't mention your jacking off sessions!!!
Other than washing your face a lot :

Ice down the acne before bed, by morning it should be noticeably less swollen. Works best on larger pimples that have not yet formed a head.

Put toothpaste on your pimple before you go to bed, should help reduce swelling overnight. Make sure it is the paste not the gel. One of the most popular acne home remedies.

Tea Tree oil can also be applied directly to infected pores.

Apply fresh lemon juice on the affected area overnight. Wash off with warm water next morning.

Drink plenty of water.

Don't pop that pimple right away. Popping a pimple prematurely, before you can see the puss about to burst the skin, can cause a mild skin infection, a cyst (by pushing the infection further down into the pore), or even worse, a terrible scar. Wait until you can see the yellow puss about to break through the skin.

Prepare for a small surgical pimple removing procedure. You'll need a small sewing needle, a bottle of alcohol, some gauze (or a small band-aid), and some warm water. Some people think you'll need to run a needle through a flame. This isn't Dr. Quinn Medicine woman. Rubbing alcohol will do.

Wash your face and hands before attempting to pop the pimple. Washing your face and hands ensures that all makeup, oils, germs and bacteria are no longer near the pimple you're about to burst. Also, dip a majority of the needle in the alcohol, and for safe measure apply some of that alcohol to your fingers and the pimple--dabbing with some gauze to dry the area.

Prick the white part of the pimple very lightly with the tip of your needle. Once you've done that, put two small squares of gauze on either side of the pimple and apply pressure with two fingers to ensure that the remaining puss is squeezed out of the pore, retaining pressure until clear liquid appears. When clear liquid or blood appears, you'll know the pimple is gone.

Wipe the pimple clean with an alcohol soaked gauze pad. It'll sting a little, but that's a good thing. The alcohol will kill most of the bacteria in and around the wound, helping you to avoid an infected pimple. If you wish, you can put a small, sterile bandaid on the area or cover it with an antibacterial concealer.
i never knew jacking off gave u pimples u should just waash your face and idk if brown sugar works cause it did for my brother
well your whole family has it, so its genetic and you try cleaning you face everyday so there will be less pimples on your face and cut down from fatty foods and they be less pimples on your face
Try to get your parents to let you go to a dermatologist and they can run a blood analysis and tell you what you should stop eating and maybe give you a prescription for some antibiotics that may decrease your skin problems.

You can try over the counter stuff, but in my experience, they work a little but not as good as what a doc can give you.
Tea Tree oil works really well. Find it at most organic stores in the essential oil department. Place one drop on ur wrist 1st to check that ur not allergic. If any ichiness or redness occurs in 10 mn wash it off. It is really strong but yeah. Dab a little onto a cotton swab and brush over pimples. Leave over night. Do not wash it off. It smells bad but it is the best.
I always wash my face, then put a dab of colagate toothpaste (The White Kind, not Gel) It works, because it has the same ingredient in it as Proactiv, so it absorbs the liquid inside of the pimples. Pimples are usually caused by foods, or Just heredity.
Aspirin contains Beta hydroxy acid which is a powerful defoliant ,so you can crush 1to 2 Aspirin tablets mix with a little water and apply on pimples for 15 minutes and wash. More such solutions at
Wash your face with anti-bacterial soap (such as dove) three times a day. Avoid rubbing your face too much, it might irritate the skin and result in more acne.

Also everybody had pimples during puberty. Trust me they will go away naturally by age of 18-20.

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